Good evening, greetings from Sheffield!
I was unreasonably lazy since the day I flew over to UK. I have now UK Folder 1,2...5 piled up, yet to be arrange, edit and so on. These photos were taken two weeks ago, on my way to and from Meadowhall, the largest shopping mall in Sheffield and rated 9th largest in UK (according to Wikipedia). I gained a little knowledge about Meadowhall with the help of my presentation assignment, which is surprising useful for blogging!
Note: These ain't the photos in Folder 1. I'm having difficulty editing those photos in raw format because my current photo editor does not support it. Will upload Folder 1 photos later after I've figure out how to use the new photo editor that I downloaded recently.
It was a blissful bright sunny day. The first and second week when I reached Sheffield, it was hardly a sunny day. The wind unsympathetically blew on me with ultra freezing breeze. This explains why ang mo love the sun so much!
Red bricks, a symbol for England (I suppose so). Ironically, I was studying in the college known as Red Bricks as well. <3
The town hall was very lively and happening on that weekend. Sheffield people are very good at utilising their weekends. What is different from Malaysia, Sheffield people prioritise family more. It's not rare to see them going out in a family on weekends. They also appreciate nature and music very much than Malaysian. Life is about enjoying in Sheffield.
The grass in UK are green and you're allowed to stepped onto any piece of grass, except for Man U stadium's. There's a name for this place with grasses - Peace Garden. 
Super Heroes spotted in Peace Garden in that morning. They dressed up for charity, asking people to donate for less fortunate children.
A lot of young and old putting on their army force uniform as it was some event went on to celebrate for the Army Forces.
The typical soldier uniform in UK, as what I remember from Mr. Bean when I was younger.
Jacq, MH and me.
Le street performer who is so talented and cheerful. That was a great show. She managed to steal passbyers' time and made everyone enjoyed her performance before continuing whatever they were doing.
Sheffield Cathedral was only 20-25 mins walk from The Forge, my hostel. It isn't extraordinarily grand or gigantic but is enough to impress me. There is a tram station right in front of cathedral.
Blue sky and white clouds is always the best combination.
Tram in Sheffield.
The following photos were taken on our way back from Meadowhall.
We took our opportunity to have a rest on the greenery in Peace Garden.
Shopaholic checked-in. LOL
The evening sky is beautiful in its own way.
This is how a taxi in Sheffield looks like. Roundish and cute!
Cycling is just as common as driving in Malaysia. The cyclist are very well treated in UK.
Ending this post with this last photo.
Time for dinner.
Good night.
Eloise S.
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