Till now, I still think this is one of the craziest things that I never even had it on my mind. I walked for more than an hour to reach the mighty place called Peak District. Peak District itself is very huge, located nearby Sheffield. It is somehow a must-visit place if you were in Sheffield. The part of Peak District that I actually WALKED to is the border of Sheffield and Peak District. If it's not for UK, I will never ever do this to myself!
Well, it's actually not that bad though. The walk really worth all my weekend morning and energy.
I was with a couple of friends and whole bunch of strangers. We registered the event held by Sheffield Hallam University (SHU)
First resting point was here - Endcliffe Park. If someone were to tell me this is how heaven looks like, I'll buy the saying. The place was full with dogs! Gosh, you can't find a place like this in Malaysia. Even if you do, the dog owners aren't necessarily friendly enough to let you play with their dogs.
It was summer, still is. Many families visited the park to picnic and to spend their weekend together in the nature. Below are random shots I took in Endcliffe Park. I don't want to annoy you by explaining much with eyes-can-understand-photos.
We had our lunch in the park too! Woke up super early for this man! 
And finally, after years of walking, this is our final destination. We were really lucky that the sky was shady while on our way to Peak District and the sun came out to say hi when we reached there. It is really no good if it rains. *feeling super lucky*
Once again, random shots.
On our way back, we visited the steel-making museum. (Not sure is it a museum, just a place for you to visit). Sheffield was famous in steel years ago and the people here are actively conserving and preserving the glory historical moment of Sheffield for younger generation and others. The volunteer lady was very friendly and warm in speech. I love her spirit and passion towards her job.
We had a super long rest in Endcliffe Park on our way back. Yes, I fell asleep on the green soft grass. The nap were meant to boost back the energy drained.
Now we are (were) on our way back to The Forge.
Please find me someone who's lazier than me. Haha. Forgive me for my laziness and procrastination.
Good day,
Eloise S.