Date: Thursday, 8/11/2012
Venue: Equatorial Hotel, Bangi
Conference Day 1:
Grabbed a photo with Mei Hong in the bus on our way to Bangi. That bus driver drove like snail! Others in the bus were busy meeting up Mr. Chow, except for me, Hong, Liting and Kelvin. Hyper active kids don't sleep! (errr.. kids?)
Started to be friend-ed with this crazy girl - Jacquelyn. She was freaking quiet in the bus, till we started to chat then all her (and mine) image gone! She is just another crazy human! Oh, love her so much!
Us, during the talk. Honestly speaking, we (okay, maybe just me) don't pay full attention to the talks especially the panel discussion. The panel discussion is a huge pain for me. Upper eye lids are getting heavier during that session. Luckily we had a short tea break which allowed us to bring in some cakes into the main ballroom. The cakes are live savers! Stopped me from falling asleep. Praise the cakes! XD
Obviously, this is the table before tea break. Those candy didn't help much. & doesn't taste good as well.

Yes, this is the PANEL DISCUSSION! Looks like Kelvin (red shirt guy) did pay attention! Kelvin, please teach me how to perform the mission impossible. (Please don't. I don't want to learn the skill. XD)
After fire eating session. If you were wondering what is fire eating, well, it's literally eating fire. Do check out photos on my fb page. We DID ate the fire. Does it hurt? The next question you'll be asking, I suppose. No, it doesn't, if you followed the instructions.
Simple steps:
1. Hold the stick tight & straighten your arm
2. Head up & stare at the ceiling
3. Put the fire stick into your mouth
4. Close your mouth for approximately 5 seconds (the fire actually gone in less than 5 seconds)
*Please please please DO NOT do it at home.
Dinner was pretty good. There's prize giving session, mostly depending on luck. Only a few participants gotten the prizes. That is why the dinner session is named Whine and Dine.
After the session, here comes our self-created whining corner. Feel proud of ourselves for being so creative. =D
That night, played Monopoly Deal for the first time in my life. This first experience is fun. After awhile, Liting & Mei Hong went back to room & never came back.
Me, Jac, Dinesh, Kelvin and Louis continued chatting in Dinesh's room till 4.30++a.m. I miss that moment so so much! WE called it our RAPPORT session. Had a lot of laughter that night.
Conference Day 2:
Half dead when I woke up. Padan muka for staying up till so late (or early, I'll say). I love the breakfast prepared for us. Yummy & provided me so much of energy to continue my day! =)
Day 2 activity is mainly on team building. We're grouped into 10 different groups. I was in Group 9. However, the group is too huge. There's 28 of us. Didn't managed to know each & every human in that group.
Terrible sun burn after team building. Took this while waiting for my turn to bath. Gosh, I'm so tan now!
Prohibiting myself to step out of my house these few days in the day time. Poor skin =( (and of course, poor me. =P)
Prohibiting myself to step out of my house these few days in the day time. Poor skin =( (and of course, poor me. =P)
Spotted a yellow dragonfly. Nice one. First time seeing yellow dragonfly. (I saw red, green & brown's. Please do not assumed that I never seen dragonfly before!)

Finally, on our way home. Goodbye, comfy bed. Goodbye for sweet escape.
I had a lot of fun during that 2 days. Made awesome new friends, especially Jacquelyn and Denish. You guys are so cool, my rapport buddy!
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